Mervyn Kwan
ExCo Member
Mervyn is a Senior Reporter of Bloomberg Businessweek Chinese Edition. He previosuly worked as a Content Manager of BlockChain and sub-editor of TVB.
He equips over five years of regional broadcast experience for news agencies across Hong Kong and Taiwan, including international politics and economy, cryptocurrency, and blockchain-related beats. He specialises in reporting, editing, news production and content management. In addition, he also equipped two years of overseas project management experience by overseeing a language department for the 2017 Taipei Summer Universiade Organising Committee (TUOC).
Academically, Mervyn holds a master degree of MIPA (HKU) and B.A. in Journalism (SHU), respectively.
He is also qualified as a certified ESG planner, endorsed by the International Chamber of Sustainable Development (ICSD), keen on sharing insights related to ESG issues and providing mediation insights.