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Mervyn Kwan

ExCo Member

Mervyn is a Senior Reporter of Bloomberg Businessweek Chinese Edition. He previosuly worked as a Content Manager of BlockChain and sub-editor of TVB.


He equips over five years of regional broadcast experience for news agencies across Hong Kong and Taiwan, including international politics and economy, cryptocurrency, and blockchain-related beats. He specialises in reporting, editing, news production and content management. In addition, he also equipped two years of overseas project management experience by overseeing a language department for the 2017 Taipei Summer Universiade Organising Committee (TUOC).


Academically, Mervyn holds a master degree of MIPA (HKU) and B.A. in Journalism (SHU), respectively.


He is also qualified as a certified ESG planner, endorsed by the International Chamber of Sustainable Development (ICSD), keen on sharing insights related to ESG issues and providing mediation insights.

Mervyn Kwan

APAC FOCUS, IGCS © 2024 by Institute for Greater China Studies is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0

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Established in 2012 by Prof. Luk Yan Lung Michael, the Institute for Greater China Studies (IGCS) has been quietly contributing to the field of scholarly research for approximately 12 years. The IGCS is dedicated to studying a wide range of political, social, economic, cultural, and public policy issues, with a special emphasis on the Greater China region, an important and continually evolving area of study in the contemporary world.

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